plastic sand

over 7 years ago by bilel

Which problem are you trying to solve?

pollution plastic

How are you going to solve the problem?

The use of plastics in infrastructure

What is the impact of your project?

All types of plastic waste become a material required for the construction of the infrastructure which avoids throwing
them away

How can the project be manufactured in the OpenLab?

It is a machine and its prototype will be manufactured at fab-lab to make tests on the manufactured product

Describe your project in detail

The problem of plastic waste is an inconvenient problem in underdeveloped countries as well as the bad infrastructure

I developed an idea that makes plastic waste a monthly solution for the problem of poor infrastructure


Othman over 7 years ago
How are you planning to make plastic this way, and is it ok to use it for construction?
Tamba over 7 years ago
Good idea !
There is a startup with us that can do the same thing but they recycle the car tires to make tiles
kind of plastic do you use and how do you recycle it?
IndigoTech over 7 years ago
Nice Idea, but if we use this plastic in our construction and there is a fire outbreak, and you know plastics helps more
burning, so how do we deal with it. Could you make it that the plastics be the outer covering of whatsoever is to be
made. We can make bricks or any other material come first in construction, but we overlay it with the plastic. its going
to make it beautiful, I think.
TechUser over 7 years ago
Interesting! What are the necessary parts of the machine? Do you have a first sketch of the supposed construction plan?
I could imagine many fields of application.
Saud-Alshuaily over 7 years ago
Nice idea.. But I its commercial applicable for future comparing to normal sand.. which is totally free??
diego over 7 years ago
If here in Mexico we have a lot of plastic pollution
si aqui en Mexico tenemos mucha contaminacion de plastico
Omarhasayn89 over 7 years ago
nice idea .. But there are some notes can help you of thinking in your project .. As for the long-term plastic heat
for it will increase its flexibility, which leads to weak construction and In the case of fires, it will produce a lot
of bad gases...thinking how you can avoid this problem
yassineaskri over 7 years ago
Nice idea, but you need to develop it more !