Meter controller waste water MCWW
over 7 years ago by AYED Marwen
Which problem are you trying to solve?
Evacuation of not corresponding waste water especially at the industrialist having a big one impacts on the capacity of
treatment station of waste water
How are you going to solve the problem?
Stop any evacuation of not corresponding waste water. Record and diagnose the state of the waste water.
What is the impact of your project?
Minimize the pollution of seas and lakes because of the not normalized evacuation of waste water
How can the project be manufactured in the OpenLab?
The prototype can completely make at IntroLabo I am need for a 3D printer, a machining cnc and a cut laser and I ask of
the assistance on the electronic tool
Describe your project in detail
Meter to check waste water (MCWW) he decomposes: - sensors of measure that are capable of diagnosing the state of the
water (acidity, transparency, impurity ...).
- an adjustable gate
- a mass flow meter.
The information received by the
sensors will be analyzed with a card of order connected at a distance with a waiter capable of recording the state of
the water on a database.
MCWW can send this information beforehand directly to the treatment station centralized which
decide afterward: either to adjust the flow of evacuation or stop the evacuation if the water is not corresponding
can also work automatically according to the last recorded parameters.
Have you developed any prototype or design model?
How is the concept/product new?
This looks challenging, it will be interesting if you can make a prototype within one week. All the
wow es interesante el proyecto
meter in order to detect the polluters of the lakes as well (based on the detected substances)?
reducing the pollution rate
pollution caused mainly by the injection of the waste water also has cause of the non-reliability of control in our pay
and it is the case of the other regions in the world, I know well all details and technical know-how to run my project I
miss the financing and the material(equipment) to create the 1st prototype, and I count on FABLAB for this part