over 7 years ago by Alafalq
Which problem are you trying to solve?
i am not sure make the creative wood or plastic.
How are you going to solve the problem?
I am going to see which one of the two products have economy and healthy.
What is the impact of your project?
it decrease the bags of sugar and dirty in coffee shops.
How can the project be manufactured in the OpenLab?
it can be plastic or wood
Describe your project in detail
it is a combination between the spoon and sugar. I don't know how to make the spoon plastic hollowed out with sugar
and has a buttin or make it a hollow stick of wood or plastic.
dissolves while using it?
Don't you have a problem that you would need disposable spoon insteadt of metal spoons
which you can reuse?
Do you know how many people still drink their coffee with sugar?
Maybe think about honey with wood
as sweetener?
Do you have a desgin in mind?
Could you upload a picture of the idea, or any illustrations that portrays your idea?
That's a cool idea and it is something we use every day. Maybe you can add
honey instead of sugar it should be easier to use.
puede ser como contenedor de la
azĂșcar la cuchara y seba bajando mientras lo bajos batiendo genial idea
material... might it be possible to use a spoon, which you can eat afterwards? I imagine a slightly watertight cookie in
the form of a spoon.
A nice idea .. It is possible to make the same spoon of concentrated sugar and melt slowly with the use until it is