over 7 years ago by majiteam

Which problem are you trying to solve?

to a WHO study, 3.5 billion of people drink water of questionable
quality every day; 2.6 million die every
year. The problem we are
trying to solve is that of access to potable water

How are you going to solve the problem?

have set up a device called MAJI. It is equipped with several sensors
that allow it to detect the presence of
bacteria, virus or
micro-organism that make the water unsuitable for consumption.

What is the impact of your project?

will significantly reduce the number of deaths due to diseases such as
cholera, poliomyelitis, diarrhea,
dysentery, ascariasis, especially in
Third World countries.

How can the project be manufactured in the OpenLab?

At openlab we will be in an environment that will allow us to improve our device and make a model with the 3D printer

Describe your project in detail

Faced with the number of deaths caused by water-borne diseases, the solution
that we bring is MAJI which means water in
Swahili. It is a connected
device and equipped with a rechargeable battery with solar energy, a
microprocessor, a wifi
card, an LCD screen and 2 light emitting diodes
to display the results of the measurements, and Physico-chemical and

bacteriological sensors.
It can be used by anyone but only devices used in boreholes, wells,
rivers and other water
sources can send the results to a web platform.
These data will be used to map areas of access to potable water in a

given area and will serve as indicators of water quality for tourism
agencies. MAJI has a potential market composed of
NGOs, water operators,
households and public services. This project was the winner of the second prize of the
competition "Labfrancophone" in Togo and is incubated in Woelab.
To date we have a functional prototype, but
that is still in an
improvement process in order to perfect it. It must be noted that our
project responds to
objectives of sustainable development expressed in
its point number six
You can follow us on:
Twitter: @maji228


Omarhasayn89 over 7 years ago
A great project ... In the future you can make water purification station in the places that appear in the results that
are less polluted ... You can also benefit from NASA maps (its available to all) in the tracking of Water groupings and
studies on them