Apoca: For the Visually Impaired&Blind
over 7 years ago by ca5@pdx.edu
Which problem are you trying to solve?
People who are visually impaired or face complete blindness or low vision often have a difficult time self-navigating
outside well-known environments.Physical movement is one of the biggest challenge.
How are you going to solve the problem?
Develop a proximity sensor technology platform using programmable IC and other technological devices to achieve it’s
What is the impact of your project?
Sensor technology platform will assist visually impaired & blind community navigate their environment freely &
independently in various social activities (e.g. swimming,running & or walking).
How can the project be manufactured in the OpenLab?
Leveraging available lab resources to develop prototype using any suitable development board or programmable IC (e.g.
Arduino, Intel Curie, Intel Joule, Intel Edison etc.)
Describe your project in detail
This technology platform will provides sensory input to compensate for visual impairment. Input compensation will come
by means of audible feedback in the form of tone, buzzing, voice and or tactile vibration. The tone or voice will be
funneled to a user's headset using Bluetooth technology embedded into a proximity sensor platform or device. The
device will behave as an ultrasonic sensor range finder that detects objects in the proximity of the user, allowing the
user to self-navigate effectively and safely. The device can be programmed to detect objects from various distances,
allowing sufficient time for the user to take corrective action. Enhancements maybe voice capability, GPS navigation,
activity data (speed, distance covered, heart rate etc.) and ultimately object identification.
Currently, a proof of
concept has been developed for basic demo using various electronic components including Arduino Uno R3 Microcontroller
A000066, DHT11 Digital Humidity Temperature Sensor/Arduino DIYVLSI, HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range Detector Mod Distance
Sensor (Blue) and Piezo Buzzer for confirming object detection and distance. The ultimate goal from circuit design
perspective, is to translate these VLSI components into ASICs or IC chip that can be embedded into various application
materials as a wearable product.
comfortable and does not cause inconvenience to the users .. You can take the opinion of the target group in this
subject ... The other thing you can work to ensure that the person does not deviate From its desired path also even he
is not facing anything in his way